Take the first step to transforming your health and longevity with a blood party.🩸🎉

Our blood party's are designed to help you kickstart your longevity journey. It's time to take action on all the health info you consume on your favorite podcast, newsfeed, or YouTube channel.

Sam Ovens in Quantum Mastermind

Who it's for

Blood Party is for you if you're an entrepreneur, investor, or knowledge worker with busy work schedule that puts your health on the back burner. You listen to Huberman, Attia, Bryan Johnson, or David Sinclair and are curious about your health. If this is you, you're likely at greater risk of the four main causes of aging and struggling with:

  • Shiny object syndrome jumping from one fad diet, podcast or exercise regime to the next.
  • Finding enough time in the day to eat healthy, workout, get enough sleep etc.
  • Keeping up with the demands of your busy life while prioritizing your long-term health.
  • Developing healthy, sustainable lifestyle practices that you stick with for life.
  • Finding a peer-group of other entrepreneurs, investors or knowledge workers at or above your level with an interest in health and longevity so you can raise your standards.

What members are saying

How it works

Our Blood Party's help you kickstart your longevity journey. We regularly host fun group blood party's in New York, San Francisco, Miami, and Toronto. As of now, we host one Blood Party in each of these locations per month. Spots are limited to 20 people per month in each location.

We can also send a phlebotomist directly to your home or office across the US and Canada.

When you sign up for one of our Blood Party's you get:

  • Blood testing: get a longevity blood panel assessing 60+ biomarkers and connect with a likeminded community. In person group blood party's or 1:1 direct to your door options available.
  • Baseline measurement: measure your grip strength, blood pressure, waist, and weight to get a snapshot of your baseline health.
  • Food: our blood draws require you to come fasted so we serve you food after testing. Try pro longevity foods ranging from Bryan Johnson's nutty pudding and olive oil shots to Peter Attia's venison jerky.
  • Custom plan: private 1:1 consult with a health coach to listen to your goals, review your results, and map out a plan specific to you.
  • DNA testing: unlock your genetic predispositions and learn what works best for your body with the world’s most advanced & private DNA testing + analysis of 200M+ variants. DNA testing is an optional: $400 add on
  • Supplement protocol: we recommend top of the line supplements to improve specific biomarkers identified in your blood work.
  • Priority support: get 24/7 support via email and text or schedule a call with a health coach.
  • Insider perks: exclusive offers from top longevity products like Galleri, Prenuvo, Levels CGM, and more.

How to get started

If you're an entrepreneur, investor, or knowledge worker that's interested in attending one of our Blood Party's you can reserve a spot via Stripe here. We'll reach out within 24 hours of payment.

It's priced at $900 and you should be able to achieve a significant ROI from the program. Note, if you'd like to add on DNA testing we do it at cost for an additional $400. You can reserve your spot for a Blood Party + DNA testing via Stripe here.

If you're in San Francisco, New York, Miami or Toronto you're able to join an in person group Blood Party or we can send a phlebotomist directly to your door all over the US and Canada.

If you have any questions email: support@ageless.so