An all-in-one proactive health membership to transform your health and longevity.

The Longevity Membership is our proprietary step-by-step evidence informed health practice designed to expand human longevity. We act as a 'Chief Risk Officer' for your health, give you a multidimensional assessment of your longevity using the most advanced testing, and craft a strategy custom to you.

Sam Ovens in Quantum Mastermind

Who it's for

Our longevity membership is for you if you're an entrepreneur, investor, or knowledge worker with a busy work schedule that puts your health on the back burner. You listen to health influencers like Huberman, Attia, Bryan Johnson etc., aspire to take your health more seriously and add healthy years to your life but haven't figured out how to do so on your own. You value convenience, data, and personalization, and are likely struggling with:

  • Shiny object syndrome jumping from one fad diet, supplement, podcast, or exercise regime to the next.
  • Finding enough time in the day to eat healthy, workout, and get enough sleep.
  • Navigating the noise of all the conflicting health content online.
  • Developing healthy, sustainable lifestyle practices that you stick with for life.
  • Understanding how to eliminate environmental toxins to cultivate a default healthy home environment.
  • Decoding exactly what your specific health risks are and what you need to do to optimize your health.

What members are saying

Our members range from venture backed founders, to personal brand entrepreneurs, to investors in Silicon Valley and Wall Street, to knowledge workers working at big tech or emerging startups.

How it works

We're building the world's most advanced digital-first longevity clinic. Our goal is to deliver ~90% of your healthcare experience through your phone and 10% from in person Apple-esque longevity clinics across the country to craft a seamless end-to-end experience.

That's a few steps into the future but as of now, Ageless offers two memberships to best meet your individual needs: Core & Pro.

Core: is our most popular membership that puts a world class clinical team in your pocket. Access longevity focused doctors and concierge health professionals across the fields of exercise, nutrition, sleep, exogenous molecules, emotional health, and environmental health that you can text for support. We run you through a step-by-step evidence informed health program designed to help you gain full clarity on where you stand with your health and give you direct access to the advanced testing you should be doing to stay on top of your health. This testing provides us with a complete view of what's happening in your body and uncover exactly what you need to thrive. We act as a 'Chief Risk Officer' for your health and craft a longevity strategy custom to you based on your goals that we help co-create. We meet monthly for coaching and are available via text support 24/7.

Pro: is our flagship membership that provides everything in Core plus unparalleled access to additional advanced technologies to assess where you stand with your health and cutting edge tools expand your longevity. Gain unlimited access to future Ageless clinics in major U.S. cities and more frequent additional testing and coaching. This membership is ideal for aspiring 'knowledge athletes', 'biohackers', or 'citizen scientists' as it involves a lot of additional advanced testing and hands on coaching that most people don't need. But is perfect for those that value convenience and additional data.

The Core membership is priced at $500 per month. While the Pro membership is $30,000 per year. If you are interested in learning more about our Pro membership please join the waitlist.

When you sign up for the Core membership you get:

  • Custom plan: 1on1 onboarding session to learn about your goals, craft your longevity risk assessment, run through the six tactics in our longevity toolkit, and map out your clinical team.
  • Longevity biomarker blood panel: every 4 months you get an advanced longevity blood panel measuring over 60 biomarkers to see if you're on the track (we'll add additional biomarkers if they are relevant to you).
  • Annual DEXA scan: providing us with an in-depth analysis of your fat tissue, lean mass, and bone density.
  • Annual V02 max test: cardiorespiratory fitness is a key indicator of longevity. We test your V02 max to see how you're doing and map to functional movements you want to perform in your 80s+.
  • World class clinical team in your pocket: meet monthly with your dedicated health coach text your team for support anytime, and access an annual consult with an independent longevity focused doctor to get a second opinion on your data and to get all your questions answered.
  • Strength testing: regularly measure your grip strength and leg strength which are major biomarkers for predicting your health and longevity.
  • Continuous glucose monitoring: CGM to assess the impact of your nutrition and lifestyle.
  • All your supplements: we send you top of the line supplements (i.e. Thorne) to improve specific biomarkers identified in your bloodwork. Yes the cost is included in your membership.
  • TruDiagnostic pace of aging test: showcasing how old you really are biochemically vs chronologically and helping you qualify or maintain your eligibility for the Rejuvenation Olympics.
  • Coronary calcium scan: a noninvasive exam that can detect heart disease at its earliest stages, often before symptoms are present. It gives us a good idea of how much plaque buildup is in your arteries.
  • DNA testing: uncover your genetic predispositions and learn what works best for your body with the world’s most advanced private DNA testing and analysis of 200M+ variants.
  • Dedicated health coach: to hold you accountable, ensure you stay on top of your health, take you from zero to one in your longevity journey, and take all the administrative health tasks off your plate.
  • Home health assessment: we conduct a FaceTime walkthrough of your home to remove modern day environmental toxins that are quietly killing you to create a healthier default home environment.
  • Longevity risk assessment: we'll review all your test results and interpret what they mean in plain english, craft your longevity risk assessment, and specific tactics you can implement to improve and hit your goals.
  • Accountability: regular check-ins to hold you accountable.
  • Events: first dibs access to exclusive in person clinics, bootcamps, newsletters, and events.
  • Priority support: get 24/7 support via text and email or schedule a call with your health coach.
  • Insider perks: ability to add other testing that we oversee with exclusive offers from top therapeutic tools.

Your first month on the Core membership kicks off with an advanced longevity blood panel and onboarding where we learn about your family history, lifestyle, personal goals, and existing health concerns so we can best craft your clinical team.

How to get started

Our Core membership is priced at $500 per month billed annually at $6,000 per year. If you don't want to commit annually you can sign up on a month-to-month basis at $600 per month. Our Pro membership is priced at $30,000 per year. You can pause or cancel anytime.

And we really mean anytime... i.e. if you just want an advanced longevity blood panel and to learn a lot about longevity in your onboarding during month 1, you can do so for $600 no questions asked. Our incentive is to overdeliver for you so that you want to continue getting value out of your membership.

You can register for the core membership via Stripe here. Or here for monthly billing.

We'll reach out to coordinate your blood draw and onboarding within 24 hours of payment.

You should be able to achieve a significant ROI from the membership. We believe in our work so much that we will work with you for free until you see results.

If you'd like to register for the Pro membership or if you have any questions please email: